Selasa, 10 November 2009

Girls Beautiful

The ancient arts of natural medicine and aromatherapy in particular are making a comeback in today’s modern world. More and more mothers seek to apply taditional and holistic approaches to ease the birthing process. They also use the centuries old accumulation of herbal wisdom to conquer post partum emotional imbalances and to stimulate nursing.

Aromatherapy Kits for Labor and Delivery. have been developed that focus on two primary objectives.

These are to relax the mother and thereby help reduce the pain, and to stimulate the uterus to assist its contractions to speed birth. During labor essential oils suspended in a carrier oil are massaged into the mother’s back and often her feet as well. The soothing massage combined with the natural essential oils and their aromas ease the mother’s tensions and provide a helpful feeling of well being during the stress of labor.

Essential oils should never be applied directly to the skin. They should be suspended in carrier oils,
like baby oil or even ordinary olive oil. The most frequently used essential oils used in birthing are bergamot, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, lavender, mandarin, marjoram, neroli, palmarosa, peppermint, petitgrain, rose otto, and yalang yalang. These can also be applied to a tissue or cotton ball and inhaled. Compresses can also be used to deliver these oils to good effect.

After the baby is born, these same essential oils can be used to reduce stress, anxiety and to alleviate post-partum depression. Among the dry herbs that can be used to enhance the flow of milk are fennel, clary sage, jasmine and lemon grass. These herbs can be chewed or they can be made into teas.

Fennel, clary sage, jasmine and lemon grass are the essential oils which, when blended with a carrier oil can be massaged into the breasts to enhance milk flow. Be careful though, these essential oils should not be put on the nipples. Almond oil can be used on the nipples to prevent drying and cracking but it should be completely cleaned off before the baby nurses.

When it is time to decrease or stop the flow of milk completely, cypress, mint and sage can be put into a carrier oil and applied to the breasts.

If after-baby-blues or depression develops, an aromatherapy massage using bergamot, clary sage, frankincense, grapefruit, mandarin, melissa, neroli, or rose weekly can chase the blues away. A few drops of the above in bath water can help keep them away between aromatherapy massages.

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